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An art exhibition that is not to be missed!

Please visit Tainan Art Museum group show with works of Naraphat Sakarthornsap's who is participating - “Survival of the Exceptional”. From 2020/12/29 until 2021/06/13.

The exhibition is called “Survival of the Exceptional”, which comes from an appropriation of the evolutionary theory of “survival of the fittest.” In different circumstances, everyone can be both the fittest and exceptional. “Survival of the Exceptional” draws on evolutionary theory and extends the imagination, proposing four forms as the subthemes, “symbiosis,” “antibody,” “diurnality/nocturnality,” and “mimicry.” In the dialectic relationship between the “fittest” and the “exceptional,” the exhibition considers the “unseen” from the “seen,” the “unthought” from the “known,” and the “concealed” from the “manifested.” It further observes how the three seemingly parallel-developed themes including social movements, popular culture, and museum collections, form a relationship that mutually evolves and fluctuates to rethink the possibility of integrating and extending gender politics.


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